


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2024-01-13


Conduct a visual inspection. Check for scratches, bubbles, dents, and other defects on the surface of aluminum discs, and check for obvious deformation or cracks. These defects may affect the performance and service life of aluminum wafers.


Perform size inspection. Use measuring tools or instruments to measure the diameter, thickness, and other dimensions of aluminum discs to ensure they meet design requirements.


Next, conduct chemical composition analysis. By using chemical analysis instruments, the content of various elements in aluminum discs is detected to ensure compliance with relevant standards. Chemical composition analysis is crucial for the performance, subsequent processing, and use of aluminum wafers.



Conduct mechanical performance testing. Test the mechanical properties such as strength, hardness, and ductility of aluminum discs through methods such as tensile testing and hardness testing. These tests can determine whether the strength of aluminum wafers meets the requirements and predict their performance under actual usage conditions.


Further corrosion resistance testing is required. Aluminum discs are commonly used in various environments, especially in humid and corrosive environments, so the corrosion resistance of aluminum discs needs to be tested. Common testing methods include salt spray test, wet heat test, etc.


Perform non-destructive testing. This includes techniques such as ultrasonic testing and radiographic testing, which are used to detect internal defects such as pores and inclusions in aluminum wafers. Non destructive testing can evaluate the quality and usability of samples without damaging them.


In summary, the quality inspection process of aluminum wafers includes appearance inspection, size inspection, chemical composition analysis, mechanical performance testing, corrosion resistance testing, and non-destructive testing. These testing items can comprehensively evaluate the quality and performance of aluminum wafers, ensure that they meet usage requirements, and provide reliable assurance.

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