


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2023-10-19

Usually, scratches on aluminum strips occur during the slitting process, and there are fewer issues with the masterbatch. Therefore, slitting employees should inspect and clean foreign objects on the production line before processing, pay attention to the surface of the aluminum strip during production, and observe whether there are scratches on the surface of the aluminum strip during packaging. At the same time, if there are scratches on the masterbatch in the province, production should be stopped in a timely manner and reported in a timely manner. The aluminum strip used for transformers is cut without burrs, and the surface of the finished product is smooth and scratch free. The plate shape is flat, and the cross-section is neat. After chamfering, rounded corners and zero burrs are achieved. The processed aluminum strip should not produce any new surface defects (such as scratches, transverse vibration lines left by the straightening machine, etc.) Note: Replace and clean the surface of each unit in a timely manner after anti scratch treatment.
變壓器用鋁帶主要與用來做干式變壓器內部纏繞,外觀質量要做到斷面整齊,圓角,沒有毛刺,松卷,起杠,塔型等缺陷。表面沒有輥印,黑線,亮斑,劃傷,磕碰等缺陷。 表面沒有退火后形成的油斑,撕裂,起泡等現象。 描述:表面光滑,無劃痕。邊部可做倒角,光滑,優于國家標準。電阻率小于等于0.028。 包裝:木托盤,內有防潮紙,中間紙套筒,內徑300mm或者500mm. 免費提供樣品,量大價格從優含鋁量:≥99.6% 執行標準:GB/T 3190-1996 延伸率:≥35% 抗拉強度:60-95Mpa 交貨期:7-15天用途:主要用于大型變壓器,太陽能,電力等行業。公司常年備有大量變壓器鋁帶現貨庫存,如果你需要變壓器鋁帶可以聯系我們,我們將以優質的產品,貼心的服務為你提供完善的服務。
The aluminum strip used for transformers is mainly used for internal winding of dry-type transformers. The appearance quality should ensure that the section is neat, rounded, and free of defects such as burrs, loose coils, lifting bars, and tower shapes. There are no defects such as roller marks, black lines, bright spots, scratches, bumps, etc. on the surface. There are no oil stains, tears, bubbles or other phenomena formed on the surface after annealing. Description: The surface is smooth and free from scratches. The edges can be chamfered, smooth, and superior to national standards. The resistivity is less than or equal to 0.028. Packaging: Wooden pallet with moisture-proof paper inside, middle paper sleeve, inner diameter of 300mm or 500mm Free samples are provided, with large quantities and favorable prices. Aluminum content: ≥ 99.6%. Executive standard: GB/T 3190-1996 Elongation: ≥ 35% Tensile strength: 60-95Mpa. Delivery time: 7-15 days. Usage: mainly used in large transformers, solar energy, power and other industries. The company has a large inventory of transformer aluminum strips in stock all year round. If you need transformer aluminum strips, you can contact us. We will provide you with high-quality products and thoughtful services to provide you with comprehensive services.
鋁帶外表損傷主要原因 :鑄錠內存在一定數量的堅硬的金屬顆粒,①鑄錠外表附著有雜物或鑄錠成分偏析。鑄錠表面存在大量偏析浮出物而鑄錠又未進行均勻化處置或均勻化處置效果不好時。擠壓過程中金屬流經工作帶時,這些偏析浮出物或堅硬的金屬顆粒附著在工作帶外表或對工作帶造成損傷,終對鋁帶外表造成劃傷; ②工作帶上有雜物,使工作帶表面在擠壓時受傷而劃傷鋁帶; 當其與鋁帶接觸時對鋁帶外表造成劃傷;③出料軌道或擺床上有裸露的金屬或石墨條內有較硬的夾雜物。 由于速度過快造成鋁帶碰傷;④在叉料桿將鋁帶從出料軌道上送到擺床上時。 ⑤在擺床上人為拖動鋁帶造成擦傷; ⑥在運輸過程中鋁帶之間相互摩擦或擠壓造成損傷。
The main cause of surface damage to aluminum strips is the presence of a certain amount of hard metal particles inside the ingot, ① debris or segregation of ingot components attached to the surface of the ingot. When there is a large amount of segregation floating on the surface of the ingot and the ingot has not been homogenized or the homogenization treatment effect is not good. During the extrusion process, when the metal flows through the working strip, these segregation floats or hard metal particles adhere to the surface of the working strip or cause damage to the working strip, ultimately causing scratches on the surface of the aluminum strip; ② There are debris on the work belt, causing the surface of the work belt to be injured during compression and scratching the aluminum strip; When it comes into contact with the aluminum strip, it causes scratches on the surface of the aluminum strip; ③ There are exposed metal or graphite strips with hard inclusions on the discharge track or bed. The aluminum strip is damaged due to excessive speed; ④ When the aluminum strip is transported from the discharge track to the swing bed by the fork rod. ⑤ Scratches caused by manually dragging the aluminum strip on the bed; ⑥ Damage caused by mutual friction or compression between aluminum strips during transportation.
解決方法 :加強對鑄錠質量的控制; 盡量減少鋁帶與輔具的接觸損傷。③用軟質毛氈將鋁帶與輔具隔離。 盡量防止隨意拖動或翻動鋁帶,及時清理毛氈上面的異物。④生產中要輕拿輕放。 盡量防止相互摩擦。⑤在料框中合理擺放鋁帶。
Solution: Strengthen the control of ingot quality; Minimize contact damage between aluminum strips and accessories as much as possible. ③ Use soft felt to isolate the aluminum strip from the accessory. Try to prevent arbitrary dragging or flipping of the aluminum strip, and clean foreign objects on the felt in a timely manner. ④ Handle with care during production. Try to prevent mutual friction. ⑤ Reasonably place aluminum strips in the material frame.
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