


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2023-09-22

Is the cutting surface of laser cutting aluminum plate as smooth as cutting other materials? The cut of the aluminum plate is also smooth, and the aluminum plate is only a highly reflective material that requires a large laser generator. The cutting gas, like other materials, is cut using nitrogen gas, which will not cause a smooth surface.
Aluminum plate adopts laser cutting features:
1. Cutting seam thickness: The cutting seam of laser cutting aluminum plate is generally 0.1mm-0.2mm
2. Smooth cutting surface: The cutting surface of laser cut aluminum plate is free of burrs and slag.
3. Low thermal deformation: Laser cutting is characterized by fine slits, fast cutting speed, and concentrated energy, resulting in minimal heat transfer to the material being cut and minimal deformation of the material.
4. Material saving: Laser processing uses computer programming, and laser equipment can perform material cutting on aluminum plate processing parts of different shapes, improving the material utilization rate of aluminum plates and saving a lot of material costs.
5. The thickness of aluminum plates that can be cut mainly depends on the power of the laser generator. Generally, 6000W can be cut to 16mm at the thickest, and 4500W can be cut to 12mm.
Aluminum plate is a highly reflective material that causes significant damage to the laser! Generally, it is not recommended for customers to use a fiber laser cutting machine to cut aluminum plates, and use it as little as possible!
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