


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2022-06-16

As a new environmental protection building material, aluminum plate is superior to other building materials in performance, but its service life is almost the same. Therefore, the new environmentally friendly building aluminum plate material can be better used only after several points are done well!
1. Learn to protect your legitimate rights and interests. We usually sign product warranty agreements when ordering and installing aluminum sheet materials. When we encounter any problems in the use of our aluminum sheet materials, we can contact the aluminum sheet manufacturer. We guarantee the quality of aluminum plates!
2. Aluminum plate materials are exposed to the sun and rain for a long time, and the aging and corrosion of adhesive strips are inevitable. Therefore, we need to regularly check the adhesive strips of aluminum plates to timely eliminate and avoid the quality problems of aluminum plates. A series of potential safety hazards. Only in this way can our aluminum plate materials be used longer and more at ease!
3. Since the aluminum plate itself does not have self-cleaning performance, we can clean and maintain the adhesive strips after long-term use of our aluminum plate materials. It is recommended to clean the aluminum plate once every 20-24 months. This will not only prolong the service life of our aluminum plate, but also make the aluminum plate look more beautiful!
4. If our aluminum plate products are scratched by the outside world during use, we can seek the help of aluminum plate manufacturers and do some product color correction!

In addition, there are some precautions to know:
1. Aluminum plates shall not be stored together with organic chemical materials and moist materials.
2. During the transportation of aluminum plates, they shall be covered with rainproof cloth to prevent the invasion of sleet.
3. The natural environment for aluminum plate storage shall be dry, bright, naturally ventilated and corrosion resistant.
4. Aluminum plates must be handled with care during transportation to prevent surface damage caused by bumps and damage to the appearance.
5. When aluminum plates are stored, it is proposed to put them on the iron shelf in small specifications. The good storage method for large specifications of aluminum plates is to use cushion blocks at the bottom to protect them from the ground, with a distance of more than 10cm from the ground; When large specification materials are stacked together, it is proposed to separate the left and right with wood board / wood board and other materials.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://m.kangyanghua.com 。

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