


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2021-12-29

It is the difference of alloy elements. The alloy element of 5052 is magnesium, and the element of 6061 alloy contains silicon in addition to magnesium. Moreover, the processing status is also different. In addition to the o status of 6061 aluminum plate and 5052 aluminum plate, 6061 aluminum plate is generally in T6 and t651 status, and 5052 aluminum plate is generally in h112, H24 and H32 status.
The different processing state and alloy elements make the two aluminum plates different from each other in performance and application. 5052 aluminum plate has a wide range of applications, with fatigue strength, high plasticity and corrosion resistance, and can not be strengthened by heat treatment. It has good plasticity during semi cold work hardening, low plasticity during cold work hardening, good corrosion resistance, good weldability, poor machinability and polishing. 6061 aluminum plate has good corrosion resistance, weldability and good oxidation effect. It is widely used in various industrial structural parts requiring certain strength and high corrosion resistance. 6061 aluminum plate is mostly used in places with high requirements for strength, and 5052 aluminum plate is an anti rust aluminum alloy, which is mostly used in the environment with anti rust requirements.

5052鋁板力學性能抗拉強度 σb (MPa):≤225 伸長率 δ5 (%):≥10
5052 aluminum plate mechanical properties tensile strength σ B (MPA): ≤ 225 elongation δ 5 (%):≥10
6061鋁板力學性能抗拉強度 σb (MPa):≥180 屈服強度 σ0.2 (MPa):≥110 伸長率 δ5 (%):≥14
6061 aluminum sheet mechanical properties tensile strength σ B (MPA): ≥ 180 yield strength σ 0.2 (MPA): ≥ 110 elongation δ 5 (%):≥14
5052 aluminum plate can be bent. 6061 aluminum plate is generally used for abrasives because of its high hardness. Both of them have good oxidation effect. 6061 aluminum plate is much harder than 5052, but the bending and plasticity of 5052 is much stronger than that of 6 series, so we should treat it differently in practical application.
The above are the main contents shared by aluminum plate manufacturers. Please continue to pay attention to us for more wonderful contents: http://m.kangyanghua.com

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