


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-11-27

鋁板在我們的生活中被廣泛使用。 可能大家的門窗都是用鋁板加工而成的。 鋁板是如何生產(chǎn)的? 接下來,正隆鋁業(yè)祥祥為您介紹鋁板的生產(chǎn)工藝。

Aluminum plates are widely used in our life. Maybe everyone’s doors and windows are made of aluminum. How are aluminum sheets produced? Next, Zhenglong Aluminum Xiangxiang introduced to you the production process of aluminum plate.
鋁及鋁合金板帶材的加工狀態(tài)包括熱軋狀態(tài)、退火狀態(tài)、各種牌號(hào)的軟狀態(tài)和各種熱處理狀態(tài)。 鋁合金板的生產(chǎn)方法分為塊法和帶法兩種。 分塊法是將熱軋薄板切成幾塊,然后穿過一塊鋼板冷軋成成品。 帶鋼規(guī)則是將板坯軋制到一定的厚度和長(zhǎng)度,然后卷取軋邊,達(dá)到成品的厚度后,將板材切割成單塊鋁材。 該方法生產(chǎn)效率高,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量好。

The processing state of aluminum and aluminum alloy plate and strip includes hot rolling state, annealing state, soft state of various brands and various heat treatment state. The production method of aluminum alloy plate can be divided into block method and strip method. The method is to cut a hot-rolled sheet into several pieces, and then pass through a sheet of steel and cold-rolled into a finished product. Strip rules are rolled to a certain thickness and length of the slab, and then rolled edge coiling, to reach the thickness of the finished product, the plate is cut into a single piece of aluminum. The method has the advantages of high production efficiency and good product quality.

軋前準(zhǔn)備主要包括鋼錠質(zhì)量檢驗(yàn)、浸漬、鋸切、軋制、鍍鋁、加熱等。鋁板生產(chǎn)廠家使用優(yōu)質(zhì)鋼錠是保證成品質(zhì)量的前提。 現(xiàn)代鋁合金帶材生產(chǎn)中使用的鋼錠大多采用半連續(xù)鋼錠法生產(chǎn)。 錠具有較大的尺寸和細(xì)小的枝晶。在半連續(xù)鑄造中,冷卻速度快,固相擴(kuò)散過程困難,鑄錠的化學(xué)成分和組織容易形成不均勻,如結(jié)晶偏析,使塑性降低。

Pre-rolling preparation mainly includes ingot quality inspection, impregnation, Sawing, rolling, aluminizing, heating and so on. The use of high-quality ingots by aluminum plate manufacturers is a prerequisite for ensuring the quality of finished products. Most of the ingots used in the production of modern aluminum alloy strip are produced by semi-continuous ingot method. The INGOT has large size and fine dendrite. In semi-continuous Casting, the cooling rate is fast, the solid diffusion process is difficult, and the chemical composition and microstructure of the ingot are easy to form inhomogeneity, such as crystallization segregation, so that the plasticity is reduced.

因此,一些鋁合金,特別是硬質(zhì)鋁合金錠,需要進(jìn)行均質(zhì)化(見有色合金錠的均質(zhì)化),以消除或減少成分和組織的不均勻,消除鑄造應(yīng)力。 鋁合金的均質(zhì)化溫度應(yīng)低于合金的低熔點(diǎn)共晶溫度10-15℃,保溫時(shí)間為12-24小時(shí),基本消除了成分和組織的不均勻性。 對(duì)于硬質(zhì)鋁合金,鋼錠均質(zhì)溫度為480~495℃,保溫時(shí)間為12~15h。  Al-Zn-Mg-Cu 合金在 450-465°C 下保持 24 小時(shí)。

Therefore, some aluminum alloys, especially hard aluminum alloy ingots, need to be homogenized (see non-ferrous alloy ingots homogenization) in order to eliminate or reduce the inhomogeneity of composition and structure, to eliminate casting stress. The homogenization temperature of aluminum alloy should be 10-15 °c lower than the eutectic temperature of alloy with low melting point, and the holding time should be 12-24 hours. For hard aluminum alloy, the INGOT homogenization temperature is 480 ~ 495 °C and the holding time is 12 ~ 15h. Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy was maintained at 450-465 °C for 24 hours.
當(dāng)鋼錠表面有偏析浮渣、夾渣、疤痕、裂紋等缺陷時(shí),應(yīng)進(jìn)行表面磨削(見有色金屬合金鋼錠表面磨削),鋁板生產(chǎn)廠家保證成品表面質(zhì)量的因素。 切割量取決于缺陷的深度,通常為 4 到 10 毫米。

When the INGOT surface has defects such as segregation scum, slag inclusion, scar and crack, surface grinding should be carried out (see Non-ferrous metal alloy ingot surface grinding) , which is an important factor to ensure the surface quality of the finished product. The amount of cut depends on the depth of the defect, usually 4 to 10 mm.

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