


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2021-11-18

754 aluminum plate belongs to almg3 series, and the magnesium alloy content is higher than 5052 aluminum plate, which is higher than 5052 aluminum plate. 5754 aluminum plate is a medium strength aluminum alloy plate with magnesium alloy content of 2.6-3.6. It has good rust and corrosion resistance, no color difference on anodized surface, excellent processing performance, excellent corrosion resistance, high fatigue strength, high weldability and medium static strength. It is widely used in welding structures, storage tanks, pressure vessels, ship structures and offshore facilities, automobile manufacturing In terms of transportation tanks and tanks, due to the advantages of hardness and tensile strength, the amount of high-speed rail barrier plate is large in recent days.
5083-O state aluminum plate is softer in o state, while the tank cover needs to be bent, and the diaphragm part also adopts 5083-O state. In addition, some manufacturers use 5754h111 aluminum plate to produce tank bodies.
適用于罐車車體用的鋁板主要是5系和6系相關產品。5系是以鎂為主要合金元素的鋁合金,6系是以鎂、硅為主要合金元素并以Mg 2Si相為強化相的鋁合金,其中主要合號包含:5052鋁板、5083鋁板、5754鋁板、6061鋁板和6082鋁板。

Aluminum plates applicable to tank car body are mainly 5-series and 6-series related products. Series 5 is an aluminum alloy with magnesium as the main alloy element, and series 6 is an aluminum alloy with magnesium and silicon as the main alloy elements and Mg 2Si phase as the strengthening phase. The main alloy brands include 5052 aluminum plate, 5083 aluminum plate, 5754 aluminum plate, 6061 aluminum plate and 6082 aluminum plate.
5052 aluminum plate is Al Mg alloy aluminum plate, which is the most widely used antirust aluminum with high strength and corrosion resistance. However, it can not be strengthened by heat treatment. The plasticity is good in semi cold work hardening, low in cold work hardening and can be polished.
The magnesium alloy in 5083 aluminum plate has high strength, and the heat-treated alloy has good machinability, corrosion resistance and welding performance. It is widely used in transportation vehicles, such as ships, aircraft, vehicles and pressure vessels (liquid tank vehicles, refrigerated vehicles, refrigerated containers), etc.
5754 aluminum sheet has the characteristics of medium strength, good corrosion resistance, weldability and easy processing and forming. It is a typical alloy in Al Mg alloys. In foreign countries, 5754 aluminum alloy plates with different heat treatment states are the main materials used in automobile manufacturing (car doors, molds, seals) and can making industry.

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