


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2021-04-06

1. Floating chip: in NC machining, machine tool or automatic line machining, aluminum oxide plate R & D experts point out that this kind of chip is expected, because such chip will not wind on the tool and workpiece. And it's convenient to organize.
2. Chipping: when turning brittle materials such as cast iron, brittle brass and cast bronze, experts on research and development of aluminum oxide plate pointed out that it is very simple to form needle like or fragment like chipping, which is easy to splash and damage the machine tool. If the chip curling method is selected, the chips can be connected into short coils.
3. Spring like chip: turning steel parts with large cutting depth and large feed rate on heavy lathe. The chip is wide and thick. If C-shaped chip is formed, the cutting edge will be damaged easily, and the base will collapse and hurt people. According to the research and development experts of aluminum oxide plate, the radius of the arc at the bottom of the chip breaking groove is usually increased, so that the chips become hairy strips, which are bumped and broken on the surface of the processing, and fall off by their own weight.
4. Banded chip: when cutting plastic metal materials at high speed, the research and development experts of aluminum oxide plate pointed out that if the chip breaking method is not adopted, it is very simple to form banded chip. This kind of chip is in continuous flow and often entangles on the workpiece or tool, which is easy to scratch the surface of workpiece or damage the cutting edge of tool, or even hurt people. Therefore, banded chip should be prevented as far as possible, but sometimes it is expected to get banded chip to make the cutting surface smooth The chip can be discharged smoothly. For example, when boring blind holes on a vertical boring machine.

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