


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-03-23

(1) The clamping quality of the jaw plays a decisive role in the tensile quality of 5052 aluminum plate. The uniform clamping of the jaw makes each unit of the plate be stretched to the same length in the longitudinal direction, so as to realize the uniform stretching and straighten the plate.
(2)拉伸機(jī)機(jī)架的剛度與預(yù)變形補(bǔ)償?shù)挠绊懀河捎诎宀睦鞕C(jī)的兩個(gè)拉力缸  等量安置在兩側(cè),對(duì)于橫截面越大的板材,在拉伸過程中機(jī)架產(chǎn)生的變形也越大。因此,拉伸機(jī)機(jī)架應(yīng)保持更大的剛度,設(shè)計(jì)與制造中應(yīng)考慮機(jī)架預(yù)變形償,以克服和補(bǔ)償拉伸過程中機(jī)架產(chǎn)生的變形。
(2) Influence of frame stiffness and pre deformation compensation: because the two tension cylinders of the plate drawing machine are equally placed on both sides, the larger the cross section of the plate, the greater the deformation of the frame during the drawing process. Therefore, the frame of the drawing machine should maintain greater stiffness, and the pre deformation compensation of the frame should be considered in the design and manufacture, so as to overcome and compensate the deformation of the frame during the drawing process.

(3) Before drawing, the size of 5052 aluminum plate is irregular and the stress distribution is non-uniform. In the drawing process, it is important to control the smooth speed effectively so that each deformation unit can deform fully and evenly
(4)實(shí)踐證明,長(zhǎng)度相對(duì)小一些,寬度相對(duì)大一些的板材,其橫向展平效果  條件之一要好得多。生產(chǎn)中應(yīng)選擇寬、長(zhǎng)比大一些的工藝方案。
(4) Practice has proved that the transverse flattening effect of plates with relatively small length and large width is much better. In the production, the process plan with larger ratio of width to length should be selected.
(5) For the plate with large deformation after quenching, the roller straightener should be used for preliminary leveling, and then the final fine leveling should be carried out on the drawing machine.
(6)由于拉伸機(jī)的主要作用是消除板材的殘余應(yīng)力,以縱向小變形量的塑性  變形過程為主,因而對(duì)縱向有更好的矯直作用,對(duì)橫向平直度的改善能力非常有限。
(6) Because the main function of the drawing machine is to eliminate the residual stress of the plate, the plastic deformation process with small longitudinal deformation is the main process, so it has a better straightening effect on the longitudinal direction, and its ability to improve the transverse flatness is very limited.

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