


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2021-03-11

很多人在購買完鋁卷之后,一定要記得放置好 ,因為放置的不到位,很容易讓鋁卷出現氧化的情況,這樣就失去了我們購買鋁卷的意義了。因此大家有必要了解一下鋁卷應該放置在什么地方。
Many people must remember to place the aluminum coil after purchasing it, because if it is not placed in place, it is easy for the aluminum coil to oxidize, which will lose the significance of purchasing aluminum coil. Therefore, it is necessary to know where the aluminum coil should be placed.
1. Wrap the aluminum coil with plastic film. If conditions permit, it is better to place it in the place with desiccant, so that the moisture in the air can be absorbed, thus avoiding the problem of oxidation;
2.如果鋁卷是放在木箱里面的,那么我們要保證木箱的濕度要小于18% ,而且鋁卷的溫度不能高于45°C ,大家不要記錯了;
2. If the aluminum coil is placed in a wooden box, we should ensure that the humidity of the wooden box is less than 18%, and the temperature of the aluminum coil should not be higher than 45 ° C. don't make a mistake;
3. If it suddenly changes from the low temperature area to the high temperature area during storage, we should not open the package immediately, because it is easy to cause oxidation. We should wait until the aluminum coil is suitable for unpacking, so that oxidation will not occur;
4. If there is rain or snow leakage in the warehouse, the aluminum coil should not be placed, so it is easy to cause oxidation, which must be kept in mind.
Aluminum roll can be packed in whole roll or divided into small rolls; aluminum roll is lined with paper core or aluminum core to prevent aluminum roll from deformation or bending due to extrusion; aluminum roll should be sealed with plastic cloth and sealed with transparent tape to prevent water vapor from entering and causing corrosion and discoloration of aluminum roll. Thick paper shell can be used for outer packaging, and a layer of kraft paper can be added between plastic cloth and paper shell to seal aluminum roll The coil is placed on the wooden support and reinforced with steel strip.

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