


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2021-01-07

With the continuous improvement of the manufacturing accuracy of mechanical products, the requirements for aluminum plate processing are also higher and higher. Take aluminum plate drilling for example, compared with ten years ago, it has increased by hundreds of times. If you are still troubled by this problem, today let our experts give you a move to solve your problems.
First of all, because the material of aluminum is soft and sticky, screw taps are used;

Secondly, the general drilling machine, the strength is relatively large, if there is aluminum cutting will directly attack down, will lead to tooth rot or broken tap, aperture increase problem;
Thirdly, it has something to do with the operation. If the hand shakes a little, this will happen. After all, the tap of M3 is very thin, so we should pay special attention to the operation;
Then, find a pneumatic drilling machine, the best choice for the tap holder with torque protection, in case of problems, it will slip, to ensure constant tap, not tooth decay;
Then, the standard of drilling should be made, and special drilling oil should be used when drilling
Precautions for drilling aluminum plate
In the process of drilling, the coolant keeps aiming at the fixture. Because m3 aluminum material is relatively hard, there is a lot of heat in the process of drilling. The coolant can reduce the temperature to a certain extent, make the working time of the drill longer, and avoid the gradual fusion of the drill in the aluminum material.

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