


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2020-07-13

1. The reasons for the extrusion of aluminum plates to produce bubbles and peels
The diameter of the gasket is higher than the allowable value because of the improper wear and tear of the extrusion cylinder, the extrusion pad and the improper size of the extrusion cylinder and the extrusion pad.
The extrusion cylinder and the extrusion pad are dirty, sticky with oil, moisture, graphite, etc.
The lubricating oil contains water.
The surface of the ingot is too much, too deep, or the surface of the ingot has holes and sand holes, which are loose and oily.
When the alloy is replaced, the inside of the cylinder is not cleaned.
The temperature of the extruding tube and the temperature of the extruded ingot are too high.
The ingot temperature and size exceed the allowable negative deviation.
The ingots are too long, the filling is too fast, and the temperature of the ingot is uneven, resulting in non drum shaped filling, so the exhaust is incomplete or improper in the cylinder, and the exhaust process is not carried out.
The design of the mold hole is unreasonable, or the cutting residual material is not proper. The residual material in the diverting hole and the diversion hole is partly taken out, and the gas in the space time gap is extruded into the surface.

Two. Methods to eliminate bubbles and skins from aluminum extrusion.
Reasonable design of the matching dimensions of the extruding and extruding gaskets, often check the size of the tool, guarantee the requirements, the extrusion cylinder should be repaired in time, and the extruding pad can not be overtaken.
The surface of tools and ingots should be clean, smooth and dry.
When replacing the alloy, clean the tube thoroughly.
Check equipment and instruments regularly to prevent high temperature and speed.
Strictly implement the process regulations and various systems.
Reasonable design and manufacture of tooling, diversion holes and diversion holes are designed to be 1 degrees -3 degrees.
Strict operation, correct cutting of debris and complete exhaust.

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