


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-05-22

  Without cleaning and direct annealing, it is necessary to ensure that there is no oil spot on the surface of the coil, and that the residual oil can volatilize completely, and the processing window is very narrow. If the temperature is too low, there is no oil point, but there is residual oil; if the temperature is too high, there is no residual oil, but the oil outlet point.
  1、 Several stages of adopting special annealing process system:

  In the first stage, the furnace gas is set at 180 ° C and the heating rate is set at 35 ° C / h.
  在第二階段,當(dāng)爐膛氣體達(dá)到1800℃時(shí),進(jìn)行充氣,將爐膛含氧量控制在0.1%以下。然后保溫6h,在厭氧環(huán)境中起到預(yù)干燥作用,油脂不會(huì)因?yàn)檠趸兂捎桶摺?br />   In the second stage, when the furnace gas reaches 1800 ℃, the furnace gas is charged and the oxygen content in the furnace is controlled below 0.1%. Then it is kept for 6h, which plays a pre drying role in anaerobic environment, and the grease will not become oil spots due to oxidation.
  在第三階段,爐氣設(shè)定為235℃,升溫速率設(shè)定為30℃/h。當(dāng)線圈溫度達(dá)到230℃時(shí),保溫時(shí)間為3小時(shí),并對(duì)線圈材料進(jìn)行回火處理,達(dá)到預(yù)期的機(jī)械性能。此時(shí),殘油也完成揮發(fā),但未進(jìn)入油點(diǎn)的危險(xiǎn)溫度范圍(2450C - 4000C);
  In the third stage, the furnace gas is set to 235 ℃, and the heating rate is set to 30 ℃ / h. When the coil temperature reaches 230 ℃, the holding time is 3 hours, and the coil material is tempered to achieve the expected mechanical properties. At this time, the residual oil also volatilizes, but does not enter the dangerous temperature range of the oil point (2450c-4000c);
  In the fourth stage, set the furnace gas to 0 ℃, start the side cooling fan for rapid cooling. When the metal temperature drops below 150 ℃, it will contact with air.
  5052 aluminum plate finished product analysis
  1) The coil material produced by the new process has good surface quality, no oil spots and residual oil, and meets the standard requirements. Internal structure: small and uniform particles, no fibrous tissue. The anisotropy of the structure is small and it is not easy to crack in bending, while the conventional hot-rolled products are anisotropic fiber structure in the lower temperature, and the plate is easy to crack in horizontal bending. Is it?
  2) 5052h32 aluminum alloy plate with thickness of 5.0mm is produced by the new process. The mechanical properties and bending test results are shown in Table 4. The board was sent to the end user for trial, and the effect was very good. The new process products have reached the predetermined target requirements without cracking at 90 ° 0t.
  The above is the relevant content introduced by the aluminum plate manufacturer for you. To learn more, please visit the website: http://m.kangyanghua.com

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