


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2020-03-31

  Aluminum plate has been used in shipbuilding for a long time, but a large number of practical applications in modern ships, aluminum plate density is low, strength is high, stiffness is high, corrosion resistance, ship designers think aluminum plate is more suitable for shipbuilding than steel plate. The processing cost of aluminum is lower, so it is more economical to build ships with aluminum.
  Aluminum plates are used in shipbuilding for the following reasons:

  1. Due to the low density of aluminum plate, it is lighter than other materials. The total weight of the aluminum boat is 15% to 20% lighter than that of the steel boat. In the convenient fuel consumption will also be greatly reduced, the aluminum manufacturing ship is more stable, more convenient to operate, and stronger transportation capacity.
  2. The aluminum plate is corrosion-resistant, reduces maintenance costs such as oil film, and can extend the service life (usually more than 20 years).
  3. It is easy to cut, press, cold bend, shape and cut, which is suitable for streamlined hull; it can extrude large wide and thin-walled sections, reduce the number of welds, and make the hull structure reasonable and light.
  4. Good welding performance and convenient welding. The elastic modulus is small, the absorption capacity of impact stress is large, and the safety factor is large. No low temperature brittleness, suitable for low temperature equipment.
  5. The waste aluminum is easy to recycle and can be recycled. Because it is non-magnetic, the compass will not be affected. All aluminum ships can avoid mine attack and are suitable for use as mine sweepers.
  From the perspective of ship designers, ships made of aluminum alloy can achieve higher speed and longer service life. These advantages of aluminum alloy make its application in ships develop rapidly.
  The above is the relevant content introduced by the aluminum plate manufacturer for you. To learn more, please visit the website: http://www.jndclyxgs.com

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