


來(lái)源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-03-27

  In the subway, 5052 aluminum plate construction line (1m line, equipment elevation line, central axis, East and west yard station hall line under the floor tile house). The elevation line, axis and decoration one meter line of equipment of aluminum plate manufacturer are shown in Figure 2.
  Different from other decoration discharge lines, the main characteristics of Metro 5052 aluminum plate discharge line "clipping" are as follows.

  (1) There are three lines in the local project, including one meter line, equipment elevation line and axis.
  (2) The origin of the one meter long line is based on the maximum number of descent points measured according to the elevation point tracking area at the top of the railway track, in order to ensure the completion of the open platform height and surface elevation of the rear vehicle operation vehicle.
  (3) Equipment elevation line is mainly to solve the problem of multi-disciplinary miscellaneous installation of Metro. In order to determine the height of the ceiling as soon as possible, so as to facilitate the order work of the aluminum sheet on the wall as soon as possible, the general professional units on the top participate in the elevation line of the pipeline measuring equipment, in order to greatly reduce the later rework.
  Shaft. According to the characteristics of the subway project, draw lines according to the central axis, that is to say, the central points of two rails draw lines on the eaves line board, screen door line, and the layout of the platform's pillar surface to determine the axis.
  Determine the main control + line by axis. The main control line is located at the plane position of the final A-shaped keel. The main control line shall be set out in parallel with an interval of 1000m, and the existing 1000mx1000m grid control auxiliary line shall be used to confirm the drawing. According to the distance between A-type keel and grid control line on the drawing, it is determined on site that A-type keel is completely installed according to the site positioning. For example, in underground 3F station, B3F borrows B2F line as B1F axis to draw plane line.
  以上是鋁板生產(chǎn)廠家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問(wèn)網(wǎng)站:http://m.kangyanghua.comThe above is the relevant content introduced by the aluminum plate manufacturer for you. To learn more, please visit the website: http://www.jndclyxgs.com

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