


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2019-06-01

  How to prevent oxidation of aluminium coil during storage濟南德成鋁業后告訴你購買鋁卷,我們必須記住,這是因為在的地方不到位,很容易使鋁盤管氧化,所以我們失去了購買鋁卷的意義,所以有必要了解鋁線圈應放置的地方。
  Jinan Decheng aluminium industry told you to buy Aluminium coil, we must remember that this is because in place, it is easy to oxidize the aluminium coil, so we lost the significance of buying aluminium coil, so it is necessary to understand where the aluminium coil should be placed.
  1、鋁輥用塑料薄膜包起來,如果條件允許,較好是放在有干燥劑的地方,這樣可以吸收空氣中的水分,從而避免氧化的問題;2. 如果在木箱內放置鋁輥,應保證木箱的濕度小于18%,鋁輥的溫度不應高于45℃。別忘了這兩個。3.如果在儲存期間突然從低溫區變成高溫區,我們不應該立即打開包裝,因為它很容易氧化。4、如果倉庫漏雨、漏雪,那么不應放在軋輥上,很容易氧化,這一點必須牢記。

  1. Aluminum rollers are wrapped in plastic film. If conditions permit, it is better to place them in a place with desiccant, so as to absorb moisture in the air and avoid oxidation. 2. If aluminum rollers are placed in wooden boxes, the humidity of wooden boxes should be less than 18%, and the temperature of aluminium rollers should not be higher than 45 C. Don't forget these two. 3. If the storage period suddenly changes from low temperature zone to high temperature zone, we should not open the package immediately, because it is easy to oxidize. 4. If the warehouse leaks rain or snow, it should not be placed on the rolls, which is easy to oxidize. This must be kept in mind.
  Tell you these four things must remember, hope you can use in life, so as to help you. If you want to know more, please continue to pay attention.

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