


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2019-05-07

  1060 aluminium sheet is a metal material often used in the production and manufacturing process of enterprises, but how much do we know about 1060 aluminium sheet? In order to better apply the product, let's learn a little about the product.
  1060 aluminium sheet belongs to the series of 1 series aluminium sheet, the aluminium content is 99.60%. This product is similar to 1050 aluminium sheet and 1070 aluminium sheet basically belongs to industrial pure aluminium. The difference lies in the amount of aluminium content. The aluminium content of 1050 aluminium sheet is 99.50%. The aluminium content of 1070 aluminium sheet is 99.70%. In practical application, many products can be replaced by 1060 aluminium sheet due to its similar aluminium content and similar properties. This product has become the main product in the first series of aluminium sheets.

  There are many application fields of 1060 aluminium sheet, but the main application is those products which do not require high strength, which is determined by the performance of the product. The product has good elongation and tensile strength, and can fully meet the conventional processing requirements (stamping, drawing) with high formability. The strength of 1060 aluminium sheet is not high, and heat treatment can not be strengthened. If high strength products are needed, this product is not suitable, so enterprises should choose aluminium sheet according to their actual needs.
  1060鋁板在實際應用中是企業招牌、廣告牌的好材料, 同時該產品還經常用于建筑物外觀裝飾、公交車身、高樓與工廠墻身裝飾等,另外像廚房洗滌槽、燈座、風扇葉、薄板加工件、深拉或旋壓凹形器皿、鐘表面及盤面、銘牌、廚具、裝飾品、反光器具等也會選用160鋁板來加工制作。
  In practical application, 1060 aluminium plate is a good material for enterprise signboards and billboards. At the same time, this product is often used for building decoration, bus body, high-rise buildings and factory wall decoration. In addition, 16 products are also used for kitchen sink, lamp holder, fan blade, sheet parts, deep drawing or spinning concave utensils, clock surface and disk surface, nameplate, kitchenware, decorations, reflective utensils, etc. 0 Aluminum plate to process.

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