


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2019-04-18

  Protection of Thick Aluminum Plate
  鋁板應該盡量的安放在向陽面。 這樣不管是下雨過后還是鋁板閥門漏水,都不會造成金屬的銹蝕,其次,本身小型號的鋁板就比較薄,如果當地的水資源水垢比較多,經常清理是必然的否則使用過程中內部堵塞帶來的影響一般都是重新更換鋁板,當然還有一些天然氣的家用鋁板等等,金屬的克星永遠都是生銹,只要注意保養就好了臨氫設備用12Cr2Mo1R厚鋁板臨界厚度研究 臨氫設備是石油化工行業的關鍵設備之一,制造臨氫設備所使用的主要是12Cr2Mo1R厚鋁板。國內外大量的研究結果表明,12Cr2Mo1R厚鋁板組織以貝氏體組織為主時(通常認為貝氏體含量大于90%,具有良好的強韌性能匹配。因此,臨氫設備用12Cr2Mo1R厚鋁板生產時,期望在正火后得到以貝氏體為主的組織。實際中,12Cr2Mo1R厚鋁板在正火后的空冷條件下,當其厚度超過某一厚度時,鋁板的芯部因冷卻速度過小,無法得到貝氏體組織,從而影響了厚鋁板的性能,該厚度為12Cr2Mo1R厚鋁板的臨界厚度。通常鋼鐵廠在正火時,會對超過臨界厚度的厚鋁板采取加速冷卻的方式進行生產。從已有的文獻可知,臨界厚度的報道有所不同。
  Aluminum sheets should be placed on the sunny side as far as possible. In this way, no matter after rain or leakage of aluminium valves, it will not cause metal corrosion. Secondly, the small aluminium plate itself is relatively thin. If the local water resources scale more, regular cleaning is inevitable. Otherwise, the impact of internal blockage in the use process is generally replacing the aluminium plate, of course, there are also some natural gas aluminium plates for household use and so on. Metal deterrents. The critical thickness of 12Cr2Mo1R thick aluminium plate for hydrogen facility is always rusty, as long as attention is paid to maintenance. Hydrogen facility is one of the key equipment in petrochemical industry. The 12Cr2Mo1R thick aluminium plate is mainly used for hydrogen facility manufacturing. A lot of research results at home and abroad show that when bainite is the main structure of 12Cr2Mo1R thick aluminium plate (bainite content is generally considered to be more than 90%, it has a good match of strength and toughness. Therefore, when 12Cr2Mo1R thick aluminium plate is used in hydrogen facility, bainite-dominated structure is expected after normalizing. In fact, when the thickness of 12Cr2Mo1R thick aluminium plate exceeds a certain thickness, the core of 12Cr2Mo1R thick aluminium plate can not obtain bainite structure because of its low cooling speed, which affects the performance of the thick aluminium plate. The thickness is the critical thickness of 12Cr2Mo1R thick aluminium plate. Usually, when normalizing, the steel plant will adopt accelerated cooling method to produce thick aluminium sheets which exceed the critical thickness. It can be seen from the existing literature that the reports of critical thickness are different.
  Anti-corrosion of Aluminum Plate in Corrosive Atmosphere
  由于鋅的熔點低(419℃),蠕變極限低,在大氣和鹽中腐蝕慢,其電解電位為0.76,而鐵為0.42,因而犧牲有色金屬鋅來保護鋼鐵是有利的。目前美國、意大利、蘇聯等國都用鋅、鋅鋁合金、鋁等有色金屬涂層來保護易於銹蝕的黑色金屬。我國開展有色金屬噴涂層防腐已有二十多年,與涂漆保油漆涂層不能確保在侵蝕性大氣中的鋁板的防腐。本文對耐大氣侵蝕性較強的低合金鋼、用電弧法鍍敷的鋁層和熱鍍鋅法等的經濟優越性和應用前景作了評價。 為了進一步改進防腐措施,必須有區別地選擇防腐材料和防腐方法,并且要考慮:(1)正確地確定腐蝕負荷和生產負荷的綜合情況;(2)對結構所有零部件保護的恢復期限和各種條件;
  Because zinc has low melting point (419 C), low creep limit and slow corrosion in atmosphere and salt, its electrolytic potential is 0.76 and iron is 0.42, it is advantageous to sacrifice non-ferrous metal zinc to protect steel. At present, the United States, Italy, the Soviet Union and other countries use zinc, zinc, aluminum alloy, aluminum and other non-ferrous metal coatings to protect the black metal which is easy to rust. Non-ferrous metal spraying coatings have been developed in China for more than 20 years. The anti-corrosion of aluminium sheets in corrosive atmosphere can not be guaranteed by coating and paint-retaining coatings. The economic advantages and application prospects of low alloy steel with strong atmospheric corrosion resistance, aluminium coating by arc plating and hot-dip galvanizing are evaluated in this paper. In order to further improve the anti-corrosion measures, it is necessary to select different anti-corrosion materials and methods, and to consider: (1) correctly determine the comprehensive situation of corrosion load and production load; (2) the recovery period and various conditions for the protection of all structural components;
  在全部使用期間的較終總支出。研究了實現這些原則和完成有待解決的一些課題的具體途徑。 鋁板的生產是這樣的一個領域,即應用現有的全部防腐材料和方法正確地和有區別地解決和選擇防腐措施能夠顯著地降低損耗。但是,改進鋁板免受大氣腐蝕的方法的重要性至少由三種情況決定的:運行中的結構體積大;必須保證其長期使用壽命;用于恢復不耐用的油漆涂層的開支大。

  Total final expenditure during full use. This paper studies the realization of these principles and the specific ways to complete some problems to be solved. The production of aluminium sheet is an area in which the use of all existing anticorrosive materials and methods to correctly and differently solve and select anticorrosive measures can significantly reduce losses. However, the importance of improving the protection of aluminium sheets from atmospheric corrosion is determined by at least three conditions: the large size of the structure in operation; the long-term service life must be guaranteed; and the high cost of restoring the unsustainable paint coating.
  Some data can be cited from the experience of Czechoslovakia as an example. At the end of 1975, the surface of the aluminium sheet was about 140 million m~2 and the weight was 6,100 tons. In 1977, 340,000 tons of aluminium sheets were produced. Most of these new structures are protected by paint coatings. At present, about 12% of the structures are anti-corrosion by aluminium plating, 12% by hot zinc, and less than 2% by low alloy steel with strong atmospheric corrosion resistance. As more than 50% of aluminium sheets in Czechoslovakia are exposed to atmospheric effects of grade 4 and 5, the current method of anti-corrosion with paint coating has no economic effect.

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