


來(lái)源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-13

The oxide film has great influence on the quality of aluminum plate. Oxide film refers to the thickness, porosity and transparency of aluminum sheet in the process of production. Aluminum plate in the film thickness to maintain more than 10 um on it, porosity and transparency, so you can get better dyeing quality.
Dyeing temperature
The aluminum plate is dyed in cold and heat. The use of cold dyeing, the time spent is longer, in the process of dyeing the color uniformity of the middle better grasp. The use of heat dyes is relatively short, but it is difficult to control the color in the dyeing process. The temperature of heat dyeing is usually 10-60 degrees. If the temperature is too high in the process of dyeing, it will reduce the adsorption of dyeing, and easily lead to the surface of aluminium plate flower.
Influence of raw materials on aluminum sheet
Usually we in the production process of high-purity aluminum, aluminum magnesium, aluminum manganese alloy after anodizing, of which the function of dyeing is the best, can be dyed into a variety of colors. For heavy plates containing silicon or copper, the dyeing process can only be dyed dark and black, relatively monotonous color.

Dyeing solution concentration
There is a certain relationship between the concentration of aluminum plate and dyeing, if the aluminum plate dyed light, the concentration can be reduced a little, dyed dark concentration can be higher.
Usually the lighter colors of the aluminum sheet materials are 0.1-0.39g/L, 1g/L, 3-5g/L, and 10-15g/L. If the required dyeing concentration is high, the color will be uneven or float, and flow will easily occur during the cleaning and closing process. Color.
In order to enhance its dyeing adsorption performance, this can use low concentration of color for extended dyeing, so that the dye can be more uniform penetration into the oxide film, this can make the dyeing more harmonious and firm.

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