


來源:http://m.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2018-04-25

1. The new structure is novel
2. The weight of self weight and light durability is light, the quality of each square meter is about 7kg, its tensile strength is 200N / mm2; the elongation of the aluminum plate is high and the relative elongation is higher than 10%. It can withstand high bending without rupture and good toughness.
3, the decoration is strongly different from other thermal insulation boards at home and abroad, and the hard polyurethane with low thermal conductivity and high thermal insulation property is firmly bonded on the back of the molded aluminum plate.
4, the coating of weatherproof strong aluminum plate is coated with fluorocarbon polymer containing KYNAR-500 up to 70%. Through this fluorocarbon spraying aluminum surface, the ability of anti acid rain, corrosion resistance and ultraviolet resistance is very strong. It can ensure that the coating is not fading, powderizing and shedding for more than 20 years.

5. The installation of reasonable heat insulation aluminum plate on the factory line, directly hanging to the construction site on the construction site, is a new type of energy-saving decoration integrated high-grade external material, and the construction is convenient and the time limit is short. In conclusion, polyurethane rigid foam can be ignited by open flame, but it is not easy to burn. Even if it burns, it is only surface coking instead of being burned.
6, the traditional way of saving resources and building exterior walls needs a lot of cement, sand, water and other materials. The resources are very wasteful, and there is a lot of rubbish after demolition.

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